
WASD for movement, "Spacebar" to jump, "shift" or "L" to dash, J for slashing, K for magic. The keys, YUIOP all consume different potions, you will see them when you play the game.

For now, please make due with using the mouse to navigate the UI. Any and all feedback is appreciated!

You're an insomniac who's suddenly found yourself in a cave. You hear noises in the distance, but you're slowly going insane. The walls are even talking to you now. Pick up your sword! Will you die, or will you escape? This is the last time that you trust a wizard.

Early, barely functioning version. My 2 brothers and I are creating this game while learning how to do everything. Props to my older brother for his amazing art and my younger brother for creating all the small systems and being okay with integrating his code when I suddenly overhaul our file storage and refactor our code, or rename some scripts. I couldn't do all of this without them supporting me all this way. Hope you enjoy!

My gamedesign document is linked below and is downloadable, but it's out of date.

Gamedesign Document


Download (2).zip 9.5 MB
Game Design Document.pdf 64 kB
Download 11 MB
Lucidcure 11 MB
Lucidcure 11 MB
Lucidcure 11 MB
Lucidcure 11 MB
Lucidcure 11 MB
Lucidcure 11 MB


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The sound effects are really fun. I like to go into jam games blind, so it took me a bit to figure out how the potion crafting worked. It was funny to just spam my sword at all the enemies and fail spectacularly at magic-bolting them. I think this could be a cool game if expanded!

Attention: If you are on the randomizer page for the game jam, Godot projects seem to have issues with playing from there. If it says it has a sharedBufferArray issue please go to the itch page directly. For the author I recommend putting a notice of this in the description.

Much appreciated. I'll keep that in mind, and I'll update my submmission page soon


I like the Shadow and Running animations.

Thanks! I'm still figuring everything out! check back in next week for a better working build!